Silly me managed to spill tea on my Palm cradle yesterday and now it doesn’t work. Luckily I have T-Man’s to substitute (we bought 2 Palms at the same time, but he rarely uses his) but I’m wondering if this is the sign I need to upgrade to a new Palm? One with a colour screen and more features. The
T/X should do it for a mere $400 (give or take a penny or two). I just realized my old Palm M125 is 6 years old! That’s like Methuselah in computer-years. And I use it all the time — 99% more than I use my cell phone. (Did I mention I hate phones?) It has my schedule, phone numbers and addresses, lists of magazines and books (so I don’t duplicate), knitting patterns, calculator, important notes etc. The T/X can hold MP3s and podcasts and photos plus it will sync with my MS Outlook so I don’t have to keep 2 different schedules up-to-date. It hasn’t got a camera in it but that’s ok. It does have WiFi and Bluetooth which I probably won’t use. I don’t care if I can get my email in the cafe! If I didn’t feel so sinus-headachy at the moment (thanks to T-Man sharing his cold) I’d run out and get a new Palm right this second. Just saw an ad for one on sale at Future Shop.
Backing up a bit, yesterday we went to a real artists’ studio and picked up our new paintings for the kitchen. The artist is Judith Fairwood (plug, plug) and she’s The Ninja’s mother-in-law but we treated this like we were real paying customers instead of family. Actually we paid her more than she asked! As a new graduate from art school, this was her first commission so she underpriced herself, especially after the lovely framing job so all we have to do is hang them up. Here’s the picture she took in her studio:

Of course T-Man joked that maybe we should have discussed eggplants or tomatoes or something else instead of persimmons. We do love these though. It was so much fun to work with an artist and to get something that’s both hers and a little bit our own input. The paintings are done in acrylics on wooden boxes which fit into the wooden frames. The frames are also painted with acrylics to coordinate with the medium-dark oak furniture in our kitchen. Now I want more real art in my house. It’s so cool!
Since I'm feeling somewhat lousy today I haven’t done anything more on my rug, but I did cast on for the second tabi sock. The first one is partway down the leg and I don’t want it to get too far ahead of number two. I want to be sure to do both split toes at the same time so they come out the same. I’ve done mitten thumbs and glove fingers but never tabi sock toes before, so this will be a first. I'll reveal the whole scoop when the time comes.
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