These are muddy raccoon footprints on my upper deck. He seems to like the water garden. Maybe he thinks there’s fish in there? There isn’t even any plants yet. Just rocks on the bottom and glass bubbles on top. We also had a visit this morning from a huge skunk. Usually you don’t see them in broad daylight but this was mid-morning. He sauntered by a couple of times just to make sure we saw him but didn’t stick around for a photo-shoot. Luckily my cats and the dogs next door weren’t outside at the time, or we might have had a Stinky Incident! Yes, we live in the city — within walking distance of downtown even. Lots of wildlife has adapted. Just keeps life interesting!
Finished these socks today.

Yet Another Pair of Socks For Me (Lifetime Total 32)
Begun: I forget! Sometime in April anyway — after the Leaf Lace socks.
Completed: May 5, 2006
Yarn: Confetti superwash sock yarn, Colour 05.003 (gray/purple/blue stripes with white/yellow spotted thin stripes between).
Needles: Boye aluminum sock needles size 1.75 mm (smaller than my usual)
Pattern: Plain Old Socks based on 72 stitches, flap heel (heel st) slightly higher than usual (picked up 20 st per side), gusset reduced normally, toe reduced normally down to 20 sts total.
Next pair I start will be for T-Man.
I also got a few rows done on the shell. It’s coming out ok on a circular Denise needle. Saves sewing up the sides later! Amazes me why more magazines don’t specify knitting around rather than in pieces. Lots of knitters these days can handle a circular!

We also went to Michael’s today for a crafty pig-out! I always get carried away there. One of my purchases was this plain little lunchbox that I’m going to decorate as my knitting box. Not to denigrate Scooby-Doo’s Mystery Machine which I use for my traveling socks, but they just aren’t my thing. I’m going to decoupage this thing within an inch of its life. I even bought the ModPodge to do it with. It will look a lot more funky when I’m done. More on my crafty goodies tomorrow. Which is a very special day…
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