The new system has given me Labels on the bottom of each new post. That way you can click to find all the posts that match that label. Might come in handy but there needs to be more posts first for there to be more labels. I’ll attempt to make the labels as relevant as possible anyway and see how it goes. But enough of this tech-talk! What’s on the blog-menu for today?
The weather continues to be gorgeous here — warm and sunny days followed by cold (but not freezing) nights. The weatherman warns that rain is coming this weekend but right now we’re enjoying this for all it’s worth. We even sat outside to have dinner last night as the sun was setting. Very romantic, even though I had to zip off afterwards to teach my spinning class.
The class has been going very well with most of my newbies making nice yarn after only 3 lessons. One is a little overtwisted still and one is having more difficulties and isn’t sure that spinning is for her. Unfortunately she’s going to miss the last class, where we could work on it more and see if we can solve her problems. But she has been invited to come during another set of classes for a remedial lesson if she likes. I hope she does because I hate to leave anyone unhappy. It does happen sometimes for whatever reason. I have to admit that I’m not the most dynamic teacher and some people are afraid to speak up, easily frustrated, not giving themselves enough time to learn, perfectionist, or just not paying attention to what I’m trying to tell them.
I had to go to the dentist’s office yet again today to have my teeth cleaned. Whew! I’m a little tired of the dentist right now, though my lovely hygienist does a great job and my teeth look positively glowing. The appointment was just too close to the last one less than two weeks ago. Good thing I don’t suffer from dentist-phobia anymore like I did when I was a kid. But I only have just so much tolerance for lying there with my mouth open with things poking. Glad it’s over for another 6 months. The one advantage was the perfect weather enabled me to walk both ways in pleasant comfort. It’s about 3 kilometres each way and, for once, home is downhill.
We need another picture in this here blog. How about the seashore? This one is looking north on the beach at Carl Washburne State Park, Oregon. Doesn’t it look peaceful?

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