We also went for our weekly Long Walk on Friday afternoon which is good because now I’m barely able to go from one room to another without holding onto the walls. Just because I had this dizziness thing last winter doesn’t mean I have to get it again and again, does it? Though I should be grateful that apart from acting like a drunken sailor I don’t feel too bad. Just a bit queasy occasionally. My ears didn’t plug up this time so I put on my hearing aids to see if that helped. It doesn’t. Nice try though. Guess I’ll just have to wait it out. Meanwhile I have an excuse to sit around so I shouldn’t complain too loudly, eh?
While we were out on said walk, we came across a dress shop on South Granville with this in the window:

Sorry for the low-res blurry pictures but they were taken with T-Man’s cellphone through the window of the storefront. (I forgot my camera.) There’s a bicycle and bench (plus a tree which we didn’t photograph) completely covered in knitting. There's also a flock of knitted birds. Very neat! The artist is Daria Tavoularis whom I hadn’t heard of before. Most of her work (and her website) could best be described as a bit weird. The knitted stuff is the most accessible, at least to me, though I couldn't find these pieces on her website. Anyway it was fun to come across them by accident so to speak.
In crafty news, I spun another ball of the yarn for my Little Squares Sweater and now I’m knitting madly away on the back. I’m about 2/3 of the way done and since it’s just a big square (ha-ha! Get it? A big square of Little Squares? Never mind.) there’s no shaping. Still haven’t tackled the finishing of the knitted leaf necklace yet. It’ll have to wait until I’m feeling better methinks. I can’t concentrate very well when the world is heaving like the deep green sea. Uh. Better not think about it.
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