The Moose Legwarmer is now completed and currently drying on my sunny deck — where I should be too instead of up here in front of the computer. It’s so nice and sunny and warm out there. However, it’s also noisy due to the backhoe that’s digging a big trench in to the house next door for the new drains. There’s a bunch of city engineer guys hanging around moving signs and generally doing not much and getting paid for it. My poor flowers that were between my house and next door are now under several feet of dirt and I had to get the guy who was digging to unbury my dryer vent so I could do a load of laundry. Sigh. He claims the houses are too close together and he couldn’t help it. He says they will fix everything up nice when they’re done, but they will lie to keep us from complaining. They’ll clear off the dirt and build a fence and we’ll be left with bare dirt where daylilies and Peruvian lilies once grew among the ferns. It’ll take years (and money) to get it back to looking nice again. T-Man is even more steamed than I am since he did all the work out there. Right now he’s working on the “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” philosophy and is running our noisy chipper/shredder to deal with all his laurel prunings.
OK the legwarmer is dry enough for its photo-shoot so here it is:
A Moose Legwarmer

Begun: May 1, 2007
Completed: May 11, 2007
Yarns: a random bunch of ancient and merely old handspun hand-dyed yarns plus a couple of balls of commercial yarn that played well with the handspun.
Needles: Aero aluminum dpns, sizes 5 mm, 4.5 mm, and 4 mm.
Completed Size: 16” around at the top and 12” around at the bottom, not including ribbing. 35” long after blocking which should take up somewhat when it actually gets on the leg.
Comments: I revised my original plan of knitting a sock when I couldn’t figure out how to make the foot. I also ran out of time and wrists. I began at the top with 80 stitches on the largest needles and tapered down to smaller and then smallest needles around the halfway point. I also decreased 4 stitches randomly in one area and then later 4 again to end up with 72 stitches for the last half of the legwarmer. There’s some k2/p2 ribbing on each end. It got rather heavy and hard to turn toward the end. I used up quite a bit of yarn but there’s still wee little balls of leftovers. I barely repeated any of the colours down the whole length but they all seem to coordinate quite well. In the photo you can see my foot for size reference.
Tomorrow is the Abbotsford Fibrefest. Well, it’s on today too but I’m only going tomorrow. I have Susan & Gail’s Second Blogiversary prizes for them, so now all we have to do is manage to find each other! I’ll let you in on what I gave them on Sunday after they have had a chance to see it first. BTW I just found that my favourite spindle people have a new website! I love my Houndesign Dervish spindle in padauk (lovely orange wood) and until T-Man can make me one that I like better, I’m sticking with it. They have a booth at Fibrefest again this year and who knows? Maybe another spindle will follow me home. Looking forward to shopping, schmoozing and spinning with my peeps tomorrow. Have to remember to take my antibiotic with me.
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