Clockwise from the top/left we have a Columbian Spotted Frog that we saw in Champion Lakes Provincial Park, BC; a Mule Deer from Kettle Valley, BC; a Western Painted Turtle from Champion Lakes; and a Moose on the Columbia River south of Revelstoke, BC. We were definitely not that close to the moose! They are scary.
Next we have Birds:

That’s an Osprey at Lac le Jeune Provincial Park, BC; a mommy Barrow’s Goldeneye and her ducklings (and likely somebody else’s ducklings too!); a Magpie at the Royal Tyrell Museum, Drumheller, AB; and a cheeky Whiskey Jack (aka Canada Jay, Gray Jay or Camp Robber, which latter title he definitely deserves) at Manning Park, BC. The Whiskey Jack, along with several of his/her bretheren, had just finished taking peanuts and cherries from our hands and was looking for more.
Now we have Insects:

A Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly in Blanket Creek Provincial Park, eastern BC; Forest Tent Caterpillars eating the heck out of the forest at Crimson Lake Provincial Park, AB; a Dragonfly at Champion Lakes; and a Shield Bug (on my knee!) at Waterton Lakes, AB. Unfortunately I couldn’t find out the exact species of dragonfly and shield bug. I always want to know these things for whatever reason. The aspens and lots of other plants at Crimson Lake were being chomped by so many caterpillars that you could literally hear them eating! Eewww. Interestingly, the roses were pretty much immune.
Lastly we have Flora:

A Wild Rose which we saw virtually everywhere (this one was at Blanket Creek); Prickly Pear Cactus flower in the badlands near the Royal Tyrell Museum; a Morel mushroom from Crimson Lake (no, we didn’t collect any to eat); and rare Bear Grass up a mountain trail in Waterton Lakes.
There were many gorgeous views of mountains, lakes, rocks and trees but I’ll save some of that for later. I’ve got closeups of lichens and tree bark to add to my “textures” collection. However I accidentally deleted the best photo of T-Man! Too bad. No, it wasn’t on purpose!
Speaking of T-Man, he won a prize last evening at his woodturner’s guild meeting. He showed the shawl pin he made me in the President’s Challenge (it was “jewelry” this month) and won a lovely little set of miniature turning tools in a draw. Now he has no excuse not to make me more crochet hooks and other small items. Heh. See? That's a little scarf I made quite some time ago to test out how to apply the lace edging. I dyed the colours but it's commercial (DK weight?) yarn. Maybe it helped to win him the prize? The stick is padauk and the circle is California redwood.

I found a link to this fun quiz on Anne’s Knitspot blog. (You do read her don’t you? Good stuff, especially for lace knitters and spinners. Excellent photos too.) The results of this quiz are almost scary, they’re so true! However, my nails sure don't look that good.
You Are a Ring Finger |
![]() You are romantic, expressive, and hopeful. You see the best in everything. You are very artistic, and you see the world as your canvas. You are also drawn to the written word. Inventive and unique, you are often away in your own inner world. You get along well with: The Pinky Stay away from: The Index Finger |
1 comment:
Moose, you have moose! Everything I go to Moose territory, I believe that someone writes a memo and tells the moose to go to the deep woods, because Liz is coming for photos.
Sigh - you have moose!
(great pictures!)
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