Hey, Sharon honey, if you think the dolls in the book I reviewed yesterday are too weird for you, what do about inside-out teddy bears? Kent Rogowski has used them as art works and their photos are in his book. Click on Images for more of them. I somehow like the one on the cover (yeah, I know – what does that say about me?) but the rest are downright eerie! There’s an interview with Kent if you’d like to get a bit more insight into his motivations for treating the poor teddies in this drastic way. Don’t forget to check out the comments on the book site too. Very interesting!

I don’t know if anyone has discussed this at length, but you could very easily use these stitches to make wonderful wristwarmers, gloves and fingerless gloves — and even hats. They are small patterns already charted to be worked in the round so why not? Some would also look great in self-striping or painted yarns, especially the stranded and mosaic stitches. So now all my extremities are warming up! Oh wait…that was the summer sun. Though today we’ve had quite a bit of high cloud that’s keeping the temp pretty reasonable.
Remember way back to April when we took part in the second neighbourhood Mosaic Project? Today is the Grand Tour, finishing up with a BBQ for the participants. I’m bringing a 3-bean salad as my contribution and our lighthouse mosaic stepping stone will be officially on the books with the title of “Cape Manitoba.” (There’s a joke there, but I’m not explaining it to ya!) It’s really fun to walk around and come across these circles all over the place on publicly-owned verges by people’s homes. The symbolism is very personal to the makers so it’s a challenge to figure out sometimes! That’s why the tour will be informative as we get to explain where our inspiration came from. Maps to each stone with their titles will be distributed and my copy will join the one I kept from last year when we made “Darth Dragonfly.” It’s been a welcome chance to get to know some of our neighbours a little better and to work together to bring a little artsy-craftsy feel to our streets.
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