Notice Ms. Polly is back inspecting to make sure I got it all put back correctly. Labels and everything. I spent quite a bit of time making lids for all those square white boxes out of some sheets of corrugated cardboard that I found in there. I used a rectangular one as a pattern and just squared it off. I learned how to make storage boxes from my birth mom who used to get tons of cardboard from her former workplace and couldn’t let it go to waste. I think the lid I traced was one of hers. (She also makes very fancy boxes as well as utilitarian ones.) All you need is a ruler (preferably metal), a pencil and a box knife. Oh and something safe to cut on — I used my big table with the plastic cutting mats on it. Actually the square boxes are ones that I’ve had for over 30 years and originally held Kodak developer from T-Man’s former workplace. You can see the label on the unpainted one in front there. Obviously Mother isn’t the only one who can’t let good cardboard go to waste! I’ve been using them for craft supply storage for 3 decades. Yikes! I ran out of cardboard though before I ran out of boxes needing lids but that’s ok. I also ran out of arms and shoulder and neck just about at the same time. It’s hard for me to press down while cutting especially something that takes a lot of pressure to get through. I have to be careful because that’s exactly how I pinched the nerve in my neck before and I don’t want a repeat of that painful experience. Besides, I only afford to lose the feeling in just so many fingers. One is more than plenty.
What’s next? Besides a temporary rest from cleaning. There’s one more attic space but I need T to help with that one. It’s more family stuff than just mine. And it needs to be cooler up here before we tackle it. I definitely procrastinated this chore too late into summer. I suppose I could get started on the long closet that’s in front of the last attic space though since it’s all my stuff and I can stand up with the doors open and the fan on to do it. Hmmm…but not until next week. I need a break.
This will be a short post today. We’re heading out (as soon as T gets back from the dentist) to walk down to Granville Island for the opening of my friend Chisako’s exhibit at Diana Sanderson’s Silk Weaving Studio. Her colours are all botanical dyes and the weaving is exquisite. Her fellow exhibiter, Kate also uses botanical dyes for lovely colours that magically all coordinate. It’ll be a gorgeous summer evening for a walk along the Seawall at False Creek. Wearing a hat, sunglasses and lots of sunscreen of course. I’m totally looking forward to it.
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