Sunday, August 21, 2016

GTT Day 20

August 20 - PEI Stanhope campground, day 2.
We took a lazy day today. It was warm but overcast most of the day. I did some laundry, worked hard on my fire-orange Intersect sweater (nearly finished one half of the skirt!) and took another walk on the beach, in the opposite direction of course.
I also managed to fall in the drink when I slipped on a very smooth slick rock! Luckily I didn't get my bag very wet so my iPad was safe. Obviously waxing the fabric was an excellent idea. But Thom had to rescue my holey shoes which were being dragged off by a wave. No harm done except that I was very wet! Hopefully that will be my inevitable klutzy move for the duration of the holiday.
Currently we're stuck in the stand-by lineup at the Woods Island Ferry waiting to get off PEI and over to Nova Scotia. Who knew we should have had a reservation? Doh. I'm going to attempt to connect to their wifi and send a couple of posts. Fingers crossed.

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