Just a quick one (my roast chicken is almost ready) to say that I got my labels! Yay!

Just in time to put them on my latest four makes:

(I owe you a post on this new bunch, don't I? Coming soon.) These labels are sealed on all four sides and are woven, not printed. I experimentally tried several ways to apply them to the garments. It would probably have been easier if they weren't already finished so I could sew the label into a seam. The poly/lycra was too stretchy to sew on by machine (I picked it out twice!) so I ended up hand-stitching which worked much better.
OK, the scoop. I ordered these online from the Dutch Label Shop in Philadelphia, PA. These are the smallest and simplest type and the online creator is very easy to use and has quite a large number of options for designing your own. Of course if you are willing to pay more you can use your own logo and have many more options for label style but I didn't think it was worth it for my wee home studio. And yes, I know that's really a dragonfly not a damselfly, but most people can't tell the difference! It's close enough. I'm really quite pleased with these and am looking forward to putting them in all my future sewing. With shipping and exchange they cost me about $.59 Canadian each. I ordered them on May 16 so that didn't take too long. Unfortunately tracking ended at the US border. Good old Canada Post.
Not to be annoying but if you're interested the company has offered a referral program. If you decide to order from them just enter my email at checkout and get 10% off. In exchange I get a $5 credit on my account for the next time I need more labels. If you don't have it, you can find my email through my Blogger profile. Just in case you want to plaster your labels all over everything too!
Very nice labels. I'm having a little pang of envy.
The clothing looks beautifully made and interesting. I hope you'll show us more.
Vancouver Barbara
That is so cool, Louisa. Thanks for the info. And I can't wait to see the ensembles you've made!
Very, very cute labels.
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