Woven Boa
Started: circa 2 years ago, don’t remember the exact date and didn’t note it anywhere
Completed: December 18, 2006
Yarns: Many! Warp – fine 2-ply silk (maybe 30/2?) dyed rust red. Floating selvedges – polyester 2-ply thread (a little finer than the silk but a lot stronger). Core weft – acrylic 2-ply machine knitting yarn, dark orange. Novelty wefts (knitting yarns) – a) Idena Cotton Lux, 100% Egyptian cotton, orange. b) Lion Brand Incredible ribbon, 100% nylon, colour Copper Penny. c) Herwool Eros railroad, 100% nylon, colour 7159 moss greens, d) unknown boucle weaving yarn, possibly rayon, acid yellow/green. e) Funny eyelash, 100% polyester, colour 3525 orange.
Warp length: 2.5 yards, 8 ends.
Finished boa length: 75 inches
Pattern: Handwoven magazine, January 2005, Issue #123, p. 62.
Comments: The first warp I tried (I even forget what it was!) was not up to being so narrow on such a wide loom. It broke when I tightened the tension. I also had to try 2 or 3 different floating selvedges before I found one that wouldn’t untwist itself and break. Luckily with only 8 ends plus 2 selvedges, it only took a moment to wind new threads. The weaving is pretty inconsistent considering that I wove this in fits and starts over a long time. I’m not sure I even wove the same number of core picks between pattern picks, or even followed the treadling direction very accurately. As a matter of fact, I’m sure I didn’t! However, the loopy twisty thing is very forgiving. Just glad it’s FINALLY off the loom, leaving it ready for the next woven project, The Blankie.
Detail of the weave structure:
In other news, remember my Penelope Wristlets? I forgot to mention that I was emailing with the author of Arctic Knits, Donna Druchunas about the pattern and she very kindly included a copy of the photo on her blog and a link to my post! Wasn’t that sweet? She also made a lovely comment on my blog post so go look. Only in this day of Internet communications can people give each other such immediate and relevant feedback. So cool!
And speaking of the Penelopes, I’m attempting to make a beret using the same lace/beads pattern. I think I’ve figured out how to get to the crown and how I want to decrease, but I haven’t quite bent my brain around how or even whether I will carry on lace and/or beads there. Maybe I’ll just have to knit up to that point and experiment? First I have to thread the beads on the yarn and find out if I have an appropriately sized circular needle. This is too fine for my Denise set so I’m into the old Aero stash. I never get rid of knitting needles or crochet hooks. I even have my mom’s set of ugly grey plastic straights. Yeah, so I’m sentimental. And you never know when they might come in handy.
Meanwhile, I’ve started another pair of plain socks so I don’t go nuts while watching tv or reading email. These ones are in Sisu that once was 3 strands light grey/1 strand dark charcoal and now is a lovely blend of deep forest greens after I dye-painted them. T-Man is awaiting his 8th (I think?) pair of socks with happiness. So I don’t give Christmas presents — I give whenever I feel like it. So there.
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