There’s also frost on the garden. In my neck of the woods, if it’s cloudy it’s usually warmer than if it’s clear. This morning I woke up to clear skies for the first day in quite awhile. Well it probably wasn’t that long but it felt like ages! Anyway these herbs and purple sprouting broccoli are not endangered in any way. They’ve withstood all the storms, snow, rain and wind we’ve had this past winter quite nicely. It’s easy-peasy from here on into summer. At least for the plants. They’ve already lost their frosting as I typed this.
Today I bit the old proverbial bullet and got out the Pomatomus socks from the Mystery Machine lunch…er, knitting box. At least I still had the row number I was on marked on the chart. It actually helped that I was still in mid-row on one sock and at the end of the chart ready to begin again on the second. Not sure that I did the transition between one row repeat and the next correctly but you won’t be able to see it from a galloping horse, so I don’t really care. I just want to get these guys done and off the needles asap because there are other things clamouring to get done. And speaking of needles, I celebrated finally working on these by going to my LYS and buying a double set of the new Clover Takumi 5” bamboo dpns in 2.25 mm (US size 1). Because my Boye aluminums in this size were already occupied in another project, I was previously limping along with a combination of Brittany wood 5” dpns and 7” Clover Takumis in a set of 4 plus an extra one made from a bamboo skewer. I had mixed them up to avoid differences in gauge due to all the needles not being the same length or material or tip shape or even precisely the same diameter. Not exactly conducive to happy knitting. No wonder I’ve been avoiding this project for so long.
Meanwhile I’m winding the cherry-dyed cash-merino yarn into a ball. This is creeping slowly towards starting the Cherry Leaf shawl, while not actually starting it yet. Heh. Sure. I can control my knitting fingers. Right.
And of course I’ve been knitting on the latest plain socks, the pretty Ocean ones, and I’m almost up to the heel flaps on both. Yes, I can knit quite quickly when I don’t have to look at it much! Other knitters have “stockinette hell” but I have relaxation knitting. Though don’t get me wrong, I loves me the fancy stitches. I love the results and I even enjoy the doing of them. But I like reading so much that it’s hard to give that up while my eyes are occupied on stitches instead of on words on a page or screen. And listening to books being read aloud, the radio, podcasts, whatever just isn’t quite as satisfying. Maybe it’s because I’m hard of hearing? Or maybe it’s because my mind wanders more when listening than when reading? I do know I’m more visual than aural even though my eyes are just about as bad as my ears. That’s why there are eyeglasses and hearing aids for people like me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I’m not actually blind and deaf but without those aids I’d be certifiably disabled. Bump into things. Miss the number on a bus. Not hear an alarm. Be unaware of an oncoming car until it was dangerously close. Really! All those things have happened to me at one time or another. I could tell you stories. But I'll spare you the details.
Today I bit the old proverbial bullet and got out the Pomatomus socks from the Mystery Machine lunch…er, knitting box. At least I still had the row number I was on marked on the chart. It actually helped that I was still in mid-row on one sock and at the end of the chart ready to begin again on the second. Not sure that I did the transition between one row repeat and the next correctly but you won’t be able to see it from a galloping horse, so I don’t really care. I just want to get these guys done and off the needles asap because there are other things clamouring to get done. And speaking of needles, I celebrated finally working on these by going to my LYS and buying a double set of the new Clover Takumi 5” bamboo dpns in 2.25 mm (US size 1). Because my Boye aluminums in this size were already occupied in another project, I was previously limping along with a combination of Brittany wood 5” dpns and 7” Clover Takumis in a set of 4 plus an extra one made from a bamboo skewer. I had mixed them up to avoid differences in gauge due to all the needles not being the same length or material or tip shape or even precisely the same diameter. Not exactly conducive to happy knitting. No wonder I’ve been avoiding this project for so long.
Meanwhile I’m winding the cherry-dyed cash-merino yarn into a ball. This is creeping slowly towards starting the Cherry Leaf shawl, while not actually starting it yet. Heh. Sure. I can control my knitting fingers. Right.
And of course I’ve been knitting on the latest plain socks, the pretty Ocean ones, and I’m almost up to the heel flaps on both. Yes, I can knit quite quickly when I don’t have to look at it much! Other knitters have “stockinette hell” but I have relaxation knitting. Though don’t get me wrong, I loves me the fancy stitches. I love the results and I even enjoy the doing of them. But I like reading so much that it’s hard to give that up while my eyes are occupied on stitches instead of on words on a page or screen. And listening to books being read aloud, the radio, podcasts, whatever just isn’t quite as satisfying. Maybe it’s because I’m hard of hearing? Or maybe it’s because my mind wanders more when listening than when reading? I do know I’m more visual than aural even though my eyes are just about as bad as my ears. That’s why there are eyeglasses and hearing aids for people like me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I’m not actually blind and deaf but without those aids I’d be certifiably disabled. Bump into things. Miss the number on a bus. Not hear an alarm. Be unaware of an oncoming car until it was dangerously close. Really! All those things have happened to me at one time or another. I could tell you stories. But I'll spare you the details.
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