Thanks for all the advice and get-well wishes in my Comments. You’re all so sweet! You can sure tell that this Damselfly has not been tiptop lately, can’t you? Look how long my posts are! And every single day just about (except yesterday). I need to get a life somewhere away from this computer. At the sewing machine perhaps? As me great uncle used to say “Time’s a-wastin’!” But today I have another headache. Poo. And it’s raining and supposed to be staying that way for the foreseeable future. A second rainy weekend in a row. No wonder I’m feeling out of sorts.
Yesterday I went to my weavers & spinners guild meeting and got suckered into acting as Recording Secretary because Somebody who usually does it is off on a long trip. It was hard to resist the offer of a ride home from the guild president in trade though. Especially since I scored a 27 metre bolt of natural coloured linen/viscose fabric for virtually nothing from a dear friend. It’s heavy! There was no carrying it on the bus anyway. This is destined to become my under-tunic (and probably that of several other people too) for the Wedding Garb. I may overdye it a light colour since right now it’s kind of oatmeal. Depends on what else I get for the overdress. I want the colours to coordinate somewhat, even though Medieval folks didn’t care for matchy-matchy stuff. It’ll probably be perfect just the way it is for T-Man’s under-tunic. I need to get sewing but I can barely focus my eyes today.
I hate to even confess this, but also bought a couple of new books (and some magazines) while I was out yesterday. It’s embarrassing to admit that I’ve spent Way Too Much this month on books. I need to go on a publication diet. OK. I promise to buy only the critical magazines until May or maybe even June. In May I’ll be going to FibreFest in Abbotsford and in June I’ll be heading to Alberta to the ANWG conference so I’ll have major shopping opportunities then. So I guess I’d better be good in the meanwhile or I’ll miss some fabulous must-have item because I can’t afford it! Or the top floor of my house will collapse. Whichever comes first.
Oh look! A short blog post. How unusual! All I feel like doing is knitting so I should go work on the Cherry Leaf Shawl for awhile. I need to refill my SD memory card with more podcasts so I can listen to them on my Palm. It’s better than watching yucky daytime TV or listening to talk radio. Me and my headache want to be alone.
1 comment:
Gee... sorry about your headache..
I went out and bought a book just to keep you company. Waiting for my parcel to come now. My Dad sent some birthday $$ and it was not going to sit for long in my purse!
I'm signed up for Fibre Fest in Abbotsford in May as well, so perhaps our paths will cross there?
It seems I will be seeing lots of friends there! Been saving my loonies for the 'binge' to come...
In the mean time...take care of yourself and have a snooze.
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