There were of course a few glitches, mostly minor ones. The pig was too big for the spit causing The Cook to tear out his beard in frustration. The Bride’s brother and family were late for the photography session, though they did make it before they missed it altogether. The pen they were using to sign the marriage forms gave out and they had to find a replacement and a replacement for the replacement. Baby Stargazer got too hot in his finery and had to be removed seconds before the service started. And I almost missed my own daughter’s wedding ceremony for which Somebody owes me an apology but I am not holding my breath.
Otherwise, the weather was lovely after days of pouring rain. The Bride and Groom both looked radiant in their silk Byzantine outfits:

Those are real pearls and gemstones on The Bride’s dress and collar. There was a lot of sewing going on at The First Bridesmaid’s house too, just like at mine! The whole Bridal Party in their finery:

Sorry for the side shot but they’re actually looking at the Real Photographer. In the hall, Collegium Leonum played and sang:

The Bride has been playing with them for 15 years now so she was trying not to sing her part of the harmonies while signing all the forms. My brother-in-law The Eckankar Minister pulled off his first wedding ceremony with calm:

Stargazer’s Big Sister did not trip up the Bridesmaids as she flopped onto the floor just as they were taking their places, though it was a near thing. My Medieval Garb was a hit (except for Stargazer’s though he did look cute for about a minute and a half). Unfortunately we never managed to get an informal photo of me in my outfit (probably because I had the camera) so you’ll have to wait for the formal ones or somebody else to share theirs. Here’s The Bride and Her Dad, T-Man though:

Doesn’t he look great? And Nana, my DIL and Stargazer:

Big Sister and her daddy The Ninja:

The guests included a whole contingent of my family, The Groom’s 2 sets of parents, longtime friends from the SCA and newer ones from their workplaces. The wine (made by T-Man) was enjoyed. (We brought home a few leftovers for later.) The pig was eventually saved by some quick maneuvering in the kitchen and the food for 150 guests was yummy. The Newly Married Couple loaded the trebuchet with marshmallows and jujubes to storm the Castle Cake:

There was much dancing and merriment:

T-Man and I managed to get through a complex medieval dance after only one lesson so we’re congratulating ourselves. We were nervous but it was actually really fun. The dance began with The Groom who chose his Bride, then they split and chose another partner and so on until the last round when all the dancers danced with their Significant Others. Later the music changed to more modern rock’n’roll and The Groom did his Elvis impersonation. I danced with T and my two sisters who came. (We missed the one who lives in Mexico but it was too expensive for her to come.) Most of the dancers at that point were over 50! Personally I think we have more stamina than the younger generation. Heh.
All-in-all it was a wonderful day, but boy-o-boy am I glad it’s over! The Newly Wedded Couple are off on their 17-day honeymoon cruise through the Panama Canal. The Ninja and Family are off this evening to England and I’m trying to catch up on house and garden work that got completely ignored for the last 5 weeks. I’m also trying to shake this darn flu for once and for all. And I have a Moose Stocking to knit still.
Looks like you all had a great time, and your time and energy i am sure was greatly appreciated...i really want to see a picture of you... but i guess we will just have to wait... see ya at Fibre Fest
Sheila Merritt, BC
Looks like you had a fun end to a Crafting Epic Adventure!
Now, that looks like it was a fun time! Love T-Man's hat :)
Bride and Groom looked handsome in their garb, complete with pearls and jewels.
What a memory maker!
Have to agree with Sheila ( Hi!) We'd like to see you as well
:) Susan
What glorious weather you had! Sounds like all had a wonderful time. Whew! Now its time for you to put your feet up and take a rest! Will watch for you at FF.
It looks like everyone had a great time. All that sewing was worth all your hard work, at least some of the costumes will be worn to other sca events.
You did it! What fun....and the weather was kind to you. With everyone away and all this over you can now relax a little - I hope. Thanks for sharing - been waiting for this.
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