Here hot water comes out of taps, you don’t have to put coins (CA) or tokens (WA) in the machine to have a shower and you can adjust the temperature (not in all 3 states including OR) to your liking. You can get dressed in more than 2 square feet of space and even (gasp!) pee while sitting on a warm toilet seat in private! Actually we were home on Tuesday afternoon but I’ve been spending some time catching up with things around here. Still not completely there yet, but I decided this post has waited long enough. So, where to start?
We had a blast and got very relaxed, just like we planned. However we didn’t get as far south as we originally thought we would and
Everything else worked out pretty well. We only got lost a few times, mostly on busy city freeways with confusing signs and inadequate maps, but we quickly got back on track. The weather was mostly very cooperative and we only had real rain on the third-to-last day. And even then it was only temporary. We did miss some of the coastal scenery due to fog but nowhere that we hadn’t seen before. Even the temperatures were moderate and although if we had power we used the little heater in the mornings to ward off the damp and chill, we were often too warm under our lightest sleeping bag at night. The advantage of heading south instead of north or east this time of year.
As for the shopping, I first tried a little yarn shop in
While we were in CA camping not too far from
A big treat was Lacis which we headed for right after we left Dharma, over a very long bridge and in and out of crazy freeway traffic. We’d been there before last time we were in CA but we were coming in the opposite direction so we were somewhat unsure of the way until we got off the freeway. Lacis is like an Aladdin’s Cave of lace treasures, some old and some new, and all the supplies to make any kind of lace or trim you can think of. I was getting tired by this point so I didn’t spend as much time as I would have preferred but still bought a few things including a bone nalbinding needle for Milady Daughter who was learning that technique. I also caught the boss, Jules Kliot, who generously allowed me to take photos of a new tape lace exhibit that hasn’t even opened yet. He’s quite a character!
BTW you can see the exhibit in slide show here.
That was all the shopping except for the inevitable Safeway in a number of places that we hit every couple of days for supplies. Until we were on our way home again when we went into
If you’ve never been to Shipwreck I recommend that you check out the catalogue for a hint of how huge this place is. Isles and isles and more isles of beads, supplies, findings, tools and anything else you can think of that a beader would want. A whole room of books and magazines. Another whole room of stones which I wisely stayed out of. I still spent way too much there. Way. Too. Much. But, oh, it was fun!
Lastly we stopped at Weaving Works in
Coming back across the border on a Tuesday afternoon was a piece o’cake. The wait was only about 4 cars and we breezed through. Though for some reason when the customs guy heard we’d been in CA he wanted to know if we’d been to
Now I’m missing hearing the waves at night and being able to reach over and make the tea without even getting out of bed. But the weather has gotten rainy and cold so that makes me feel a bit better.

Today is T-Man’s birthday. He’s now officially older than I am – until I catch up in November. Happy Birthday, sweetie! (Yes, we are still speaking after 3+ weeks in a teeny-tiny van together.) Don't we look like we were having fun? Good thing this isn't smell-o-vision though! Our access to showers was sometimes a bit far apart for perfect hygiene.
Welcome home! Glad you had a good trip. Three weeks together in a wee van? It must be love! ;)
You missed the excitement in the neighbourhood (lucky you). The contractor knocking down that house on your block somehow punched a hole in the gas line. Took a couple of hours to fix. Glad to have you back!
Welcome back!
You were missed :)
Hugs, Susan
Thanks for all of the lovely "welcome homes"! I am glad to be back before the weather turns nasty. I am a definite Homebody type. Unfortunately the relaxed feeling we both got is wearing off really fast!
Hi, Louisa,
Nice photos and interesting reading! Thanks for posting. Hey, next time you do a road trip and have some bead money to spare :-), come over to Spokane. You'll see some great scenery on the way (Soap Lake, anyone?) and you can visit our bead showroom here.
at Rings & Things
But Dave dear, you guys are only wholesale and you don't want to sell to little retailers like me! I don't sell my work. I don't know if you do this kind of thing but have you considered having a booth at the ANWG conference next spring which will be in Spokane? I may be attending.
Louisa, that's a common misconception. Customers who don't have resale/tax numbers simply pay tax on their purchases from us. :)
I'll mention the ANWG conference around the office and see what we might do in connection with it.
Well, gee! Maybe you should do something about that misconception then? I think it was the "for professional craftspeople" in your ad along with the "wholesale catalog" that made me feel your business wasn't interested in little old me. Plus you don't include a street address so it's not obvious that you have a bricks & mortar store. However if I get to Spokane I just may drop in! Thanks for the invitation.
I should also mention that you could get yourself invited to one of our bead shows near you. We're in the Puget Sound area 6 times a year. Thousands of strands of specially purchased beads...
OK, Dave, I'm happy to chat but you don't want to spam on my blog! Because I have the power to wipe it all away with a flick of my wings...and then I'll say mean things about you and everybody will be all UNhappy. We're not going there, right?
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