Monday, October 04, 2010

The Wanderers Return

Just a quick note to say we’re back, we had a great holiday and I’ll give you a tour of the highlights when I have more time. I was very lazy while we were away and barely booted up my little netbook computer long enough to download my photos. I still haven’t sorted everything out. Well, OK. Maybe not so lazy – we crossed the depth of Washington and Oregon and even a snippet of northern California and back. We also hiked a lot of trails and put over 65 kilometres on the bikes. We experienced every kind of weather though mostly it was fairly nice and relatively warm. The best news is the Itchy-Peelies continued to improve and my hands are just about back to normal. I can make things again! Yippee!

So the grandbeasties are due to come over shortly. Apparently they missed us as much as we missed them. Gotta go.

And yes, Crater Lake is really this blue:


1 comment:

Louisa said...

Thanks, hon'! Will bring the little guy's rather belated birthday prezzie too. He won't mind!