Tuesday, August 09, 2005

We Have Pictures Today

It's working again! Here's the pics I tried to post yesterday of my granddaughter Kiera's first birthday. On the left, here's the Birthday Girl all proud of herself after crawling all the way up the back stairs and across the deck into the kitchen door. Too cute, eh? On the right she's opening presents with her mom, the lovely Bronwen. Shredding paper is fun! And I think she's going to be a reader like her daddy and auntie Cel. Notice the cool ankle bracelet made for her by my 7-year-old nephew Nico who's visiting from Mexico. Very chic! Kiera actually left it on for most of the afternoon.

Then we have the post-party scene: Birthday Girl is exhausted. So is her granny! I'm pretty good at putting her to sleep. Must be my boring personality, doncha think? That sling is worth it's weight in the price of my physiotherapist! She might look little but hat kid is heavy when you lug her around for awhile.

Look, I'm wearing the nifty notted (sorry) knotted necklace and earrings my baby sis made. See how well it goes with my black dress? Here's a not-too-wonderful scan of the set so you can see it a wee bit better. Those are cute little multicoloured lampwork beads (purchased of course) on a heavy cord. Simple but effective. She was fascinated with Thom's lampwork beads so if she has time before she goes back to Mexico, he's going to teach her how to do it. What I didn't show is the lovely teal green velvet bag with bead fringe that it came in. She spoils me.

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