Got my kumihimo swap samples into the mail. There's still a chance it'll get there before the deadline on September 1. Several people are as usual running a bit late anyway so I'm not too worried. I live the closest to the swap meister (mistress?) and some have to come from overseas. I was wrong though. It’s not New Westminster it’s going to — it’s Coquitlam which is a smidge further. Good thing I looked it up before addressing the envelope.
Started a swatch for another zip-front vest loosely based on one I saw in Vogue Knitting. I don't plan to put a hood on it though. Maybe a simple collar with the zipper going right up so I can wear it open and folded down or zipped up high to keep my neck warm. I have 2 cones of stranded wool yarn that I was gifted by a friend. It's musty smelling and dusty and each one is made from a group of fine singles wool in different colours wound together. Orange and grey are common to both and one has black where the other has white, plus a bit of green in there somewhere. If I use both of them at the same time and knit on large needles in a basket weave pattern of knits and purls I get an interesting fabric. I just washed the swatch gently but maybe I should try washing it more vigourously and see what happens. Will it stop smelling quite so musty? Does it get any softer? Does it shrink a bit? Does it get more fuzzy? This is what it looks like so far:
Not sure I need another project but who's counting.
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