We're still somewhat behind on the holiday preparations. No turkey, no tree yet. I've got the suet and scotch oatmeal for my traditional "haggis in a bird" stuffing. Bread crumbs? We don't need no stinkin' bread crumbs! I also need frozen tart shells for the butter tarts. The family likes them much better than mince tarts so that's what I make. And since I'm lousy at pastry, we go for the pre-made shells. Do we actually need cranberry sauce? Does anybody eat it? Why doesn't it come in little mini-cans for the one or two people who actually feel that a turkey dinner isn't complete without this stuff? What edible item can I make from leftover cranberry sauce that isn't too high in carbs? We don't have time to go shopping until Saturday when I'm sure everybody and his grandmother will be at the grocery store too. We need to go early, when the store opens. Nobody else gets up that early on a weekend, right?
I was going to post my finished sachet but, since somebody in my guild may see it, I think I'll keep it to myself until Friday after it's gone to its new home with a guild member. Meanwhile the potpourri smell is driving my sinuses nuts! I didn't have any lavender so I went hunting for what I did have and this one is too perfume-y for me. I'm sure it will be nice at somebody else's house though. Not everybody has such a sensitive shnozz as mine.

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