Now it's back to knitting socks. Sis's pair need to be completed up to the toe graft for next Wednesday's class. And the other pair need to be finished up to the toe decreases. How come I have more homework to do than my students? Oh well, it makes a good excuse to finish them both.
And if I should finish up to where I need to be on the socks, I've started Marnie MacLean's fingerless mittens "Del Mar" from the current Winter issue of Spindlicity. I'm using the same yarn I spun from Aurelia rovings that I used in the heart sachet. However, I'm using needles that are larger than the heart and smaller than the pattern calls for. I thought that 4.5 mm needles is too large for this yarn so I went down to 3.75 mm and am knitting the larger size mittens to compensate for the increase in gauge. If it doesn't work out, I'll know pretty soon so I can frog and try again. On something this small it's stupid to try to knit a swatch. The item is the swatch.
It's yet another lovely sunny-but-cold day today. I feel like I should go for a walk somewhere. However, vacuuming this pigsty...er, house is far more important. That bright sun allows me to see all the swiftly growing dust bunnies (they've grown up to dust buffalos now) that need taming and all the dirty windows that could use cleaning. Don't hold your breath on that last one. I hate cleaning windows much worse than I hate vacuuming. On the advice of my physio, I've been trying to spread out the vacuuming to one floor per day (week? fortnight?). Otherwise my shoulders and neck doth protest too much. The drawback to this is it gives the dust bunnies more time to commingle and reproduce. And we won't even talk about the trouble the spiders get into when I'm not looking.
Oh, speaking of spiders, I caught a glimpse of a spider the other night that looked suspiciously like Queenie! I don't know if she was just sniffing around (sorry, spiders can't smell) checking things out to see if it's safe to move back into the kitchen window or not. We'll see. I missed her. Queenie Jr. just doesn't give me the same thrill — she's barely 2 mm long. Wonder if the original Queenie will "eliminate" her competition? Sorry! Gross. But inquiring scientific minds want to know.
It's ok Mom, C&C (otherwise known as Cute & Cuddly, my fiancee) and I are going to pickup Nana on the 21st and have dinner with her anyway. =)
That way she gets to be the first family member to see the new home, we still get to see her before Christmas, and everyone's happy!
See you on Thursday!
Darling Daughter
Thank you, DD and your C&C, for accommodating me and trying to solve my dilemma. I didn't mean to make you have to entertain two nights in a row though!
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