Damselfly is Delighted! We have two official contest winners! Yay!!! They were chosen by T-Man from his medieval roll hat with his eyes closed. (I held the hat and prevented the slips from falling down the liripipe or out of the cockscomb but that’s all I did!) After he rooted around sufficiently long and hard, out came two slips. And the winners are:
Gail in Surrey
Susan in Powell River
Gail, I don’t have your snail mail or your email addy. Please send it in a private email to me. If you’re going to be at Fibrefest on Saturday, let me know and I’ll bring your prize with me. Also, Susan, aren’t you coming too? Will you be there Saturday as well? It would be wonderful if I could give you both your prizes in person and not have to mail them at all!
I’m going to keep you on tenterhooks for a short while as I try to figure out a prize package for each of you. One that reflects the type of things you like to do and mainly assembled out of my vast stash…er, stashes. I’ll photograph them but I’m going to be keeping the contents a secret until the winners have received their prizes. Only then will I share with you all. Neener-neener!
You all had some great crafty lists. Thanks so much for entering my very first contest. So you want to know what my list of crafts is? Shall I do it in a bulleted list or shall I just put commas between? Oh heck, the list is way more impressive!
Some of those overlap too, like beading on the dolls made from hand-dyed fabric and fulling (felting) my knitting and crochet done with handspun and hand-dyed yarns. There are even more that I’ve done in the past but haven’t in recent years, such as bobbin lace, macramé, pine needle baskets, temari (Japanese thread balls) and various other types of stitching and embroidery. But I think if I haven’t been interested in them for quite awhile then they don’t really count until I pick them up again. I will be exploring art quilting soon though. I am very taken with some of the work I’ve seen but I just haven’t sat down and really worked with the materials yet. So many crafts; so little time!
Sometimes I wish I were better at limiting my interests so I could actually get really good at something. Wouldn’t it be cool to become the go-to person for some very specific craft? The one who has explored its every nuance and knows everything about it from the history onward? Not going to happen for me. Your Damselfly just can’t stick with one thing long enough to become like Peter Collingwood is for tabletweaving, ply-splitting and sprang; like Makiko Tada is for kumihimo; or like Carol Wilcox Wells is for beadwork. Ain’t gonna happen — especially if I haven’t published a book on the subject and don’t want to travel to teach it. I just want to play in my sandbox…er, studio and have fun.
Here’s to Fun in the Studio and Another Happy Year of Blogging!
Happy Blogiversary!
I love your blogiversary cake. I'd be nervous having fire so close to yarn. I hope I get more brave by August for my blogiversary. That's such a cute idea.
Happy Blog Day to you!
... then to find out I have won on the draw .... neat-oh! ( I don't usually win anything, so this is really cool :)
I will be at Fibre Fest and was planning to come and stop by to visit with you on the Saturday...
Thank you to 'YOU' for sharing all your fibre-ventures and family with us all out here in cyber land. You are quite inspirational
hugs, Susan
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