It has no eaves troughs yet so the noise of dripping is pretty loud, like being next to a waterfall! Guess I could always “borrow” some of that wood for my ark, hey? Though I’d like some foam insulation to help it float better. No time to locate all the animal pairs so I guess they’re on their own. My old kitties don’t count since they’re too old to reproduce! But I’d bring them anyway. Hopefully I won’t need to start hammering though. Don’t think I’d trust any ark made by me.
After T-Man got home from work yesterday we decided to go for a walk right then. The sun was actually out for awhile and it was quite nice. It sprinkled on us a bit on the way home but not too badly. Good thing we went for that walk because we’re certainly stuck inside today unless we put on full rain gear. As a goal to head for, we went our usual route to the book and magazine shops. Wait. You’re going to laugh — I bought more fantasy books! Here I am trying to get rid of them and what do I do first thing? Buy more. Of course I knew which ones I was still missing after inventorying the remainder. And it was “buy 3 pocketbooks and get the 4th free” day at Chapter’s. How could I resist? I bought 8 (really quickly) and T bought 4 (taking ages to choose) for a total of $94.38 including GST. Not bad actually. About $7.87 each for books that mostly have a cover price of $10.99. With our membership card as well, we saved over $40 on the total! (Notice how I attempt to justify my purchases.) You could spend that much going to a movie and you certainly get more hours of entertainment from a book. The only drawback was that we had to carry them home on our backs. The round trip is 7.9 kilometres. Good thing they were only paperbacks.
A funny thing that happened today was an insistent knock on the door from the postman. He often knocks when he has something that won’t fit through our mail slot so he knows I’m usually home. But this time he was concerned because he posted a letter through the slot and it wasn’t ours! He retrieved it quickly from me and whirled off in his yellow slicker mumbling that there wasn’t any mail for us today. He did look somewhat embarrassed about his mistake. At least I didn’t have to go out later to post it to the right house myself. In the rain.
No crafts report today. I’m still bagging up the rest of the books that I’m disposing of. It’s quite a job. I’m keeping all my Anne McCaffrey’s and my Andre Norton’s (she passed away in 2005 at 93). I have almost everything both of these masters ever wrote, not to mention the books that were co-authored or authored by others in their “worlds.” I’m also keeping my Barbara Hambly’s even if she does tend to torture her very original protagonists too much. (Poor people!) Plus there are a few of the newer writers that I’m keeping: Robin Hobb and Elizabeth Haydon being among my favourites. Almost everything else is going bye-bye. More room in the attic and no, I’m not planning on filling the available space with replacements! I’m going to try to keep these books moving out as I read them. Just so I don’t get into the same situation of having huge piles of books that I’ll never look at again. It’s just too absurd. Wanna come get 'em? You can have 'em all!
1 comment:
You could take your books to a used bookstore. White Dwarf Books on West 10th is a good place. I am sure there are others, too.
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