It kept snowing most of the night and all of today, though we’re supposed to be switching over to a warm low pressure system by tonight with lots of wind and rain in the forecast. I’m trying to enjoy the pretty white stuff while I can. We went out for a short walk (me hanging on to T-Man for dear life!) and came home wet and cold with my glasses all fogged up and snow-covered so I couldn’t see a thing. It was fun if a little uncomfortable. At least I can say I got out in the snow even if it was only for a short while. Bring on the rain, darn it.
I had a deadline for my Complex Weavers Beads & Interlacements study group yesterday. I had trouble seeing the computer to finish it so I managed to do that today. I just had to send in a PDF write-up with the theme of “Free For All” which made it kind of fun. I used my row counter bracelet and matching stitch markers from last February since that’s probably the last appropriate beading I’ve done around here. It’s kind of a fun project and doesn’t take very long if you have all the materials at hand. Good practice with the crimping pliers and making wire wrapped loops too:

I’ve been knitting on the Pink Froth Socks and I think they’re turning out quite cute. Even if I can almost taste the strawberry mousse that the colour reminds me of so strongly!

I think granddaughter KiKi will like them anyway which is the important thing. She had her dad call us on the phone this morning so she could tell us about playing in the snow. Too adorable. Her brother piped up too in the background. I think he already can say “hi” at not quite a year old. She wouldn’t let him talk to us though. The phone is for her use exclusively (at least that’s what she thinks) and she likes to chat at least once a week or so. I think it’s good for her speech since she has a bit of a problem communicating sometimes. Though she’s still only 3 years old so we’re not too concerned yet.
Continuing with the pink theme, I’ve been spinning up my madder-dyed wool and have almost 2 bobbins full of singles. I certainly didn’t dye all that much of any one colour though I was hoping there would be enough of the darkest madder rose to be the main colour of the sweater or vest I’m planning to make. We’ll see. I’m just spinning for the moment in approximately a sport weight yarn which should work for something. Even if I have to design it myself after I see how many balls I end up with. I would like to blend some of the colours for a second project so I don’t want to spin up everything in single-coloured yarns.
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