Aren’t they spiff? These are Keens and I’m so in love with them that a few weeks ago when I saw a woman on the street wearing them I actually followed behind her to ogle! I saw them again in a newspaper flyer so when we walked by a store that carries this brand, I couldn’t help myself. They are very comfortable, somewhere between Mary Janes and clogs. Ever since my clogs had a meltdown a few months ago I’ve been hunting for a replacement. I was considering the closed toe Birkenstocks (Boston) but these are much cuter and of course Birkies don’t come in this wild colour. It’s called Flamingo and goes with lots of things in my wardrobe. I don’t know of any flamingos quite this colour though — it’s definitely orange!
We also went to see the new improved Maiwa Supply store on Granville Island. They’ve moved from inside the Netloft out into one of the exterior shops. It’s a much larger space than previously and with all the dye and surface design stuff displayed with some of their Indian antiques, it’s very exciting and inspiring. See?

And this is only a portion of the shop! Charllotte, the owner, was in when I was there and it was lovely to be greeted by name and invited to explore and take photos. You can see why she has won awards for her fair and supportive business practices. Yes, of course I spent money there! I was topping up some of my dye supplies. We are so lucky to have this fabulous resource close enough for me to walk to. I’ve treasured it for over 20 years. I’m even wearing a linen shirt at the moment that I bought years ago at Maiwa’s main store. It’s the same colour as my shoes. Heh.
By this time we were packing a lot of meat (honey glazed ribs) and fish (halibut steak) and vegetables from the Market along with the shoes and dyes. It was all getting somewhat heavy! Here’s the view on the Seawall on the way home:

Finally truly spring-like in Vancouver! Yesterday we got some work done in the garden. Planted a few more of the path stones, planted some seeds, and planted my wall and rail planters. Of course there’s tons more work to do but it was a very pleasant day and not too sunny. That’s better for transplants so they don’t get fried. I’m also slowly getting the tomatoes used to being outside because they no longer fit under the grow-lights. Besides there’s more little seedies under there now.
Gotta go chop some veggies to go with the dip I’m taking to my Guild’s Memorial Lecture this evening. We organise this lecture once a year and this time it’s James Koehler, a tapestry artist whom I saw last summer at the ANWG conference in Red Deer, AB. His work is deceptively simple and elegant and he’s quite an inspiring speaker so I’m looking forward to this. T-Man is coming with me too. Apparently he enjoyed hearing him the last time and wants an outing on this pleasant evening. Little does he know we’re going to put him to work since one of our members volunteered our Spectrum Study Group to take care of the refreshments.
Those shoes are brilliant!
Love your new shoes. And your socks even match!
I must get down to Granville Island and check out the new Maiwa store. It looks fabulous.
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