It’s acrylic yarn made specially for “tawashi” (scrubbies) and such from one of the Yuzawaya stores in Japan. This page ought to give you an idea. They’re kind of like a Michael’s or Jo-Ann’s only bigger and with more stuff! It was so full of art and craft supplies including beads and yarns that my friend Masami and her husband were nearly overwhelmed but she still managed to find just my colours. What a sweetie! Having to shop for me in three floors worth of crafty heaven. Sigh. Hardship, eh?
Thanks for all the kind comments about my Chocolate Sweater! It really does fit me quite well apart from the shoulders being a smidge too wide for my narrow rounded shoulders. That’s kind of par for the course though along with the sleeve length which in this case worked out just right. I hope to get quite a lot of wear out of it now that it’s done. However it might just have to wait for cooler weather.
No sweater-wearing occurring right now though. We’re having a welcome heat wave at the moment. It was even somewhat difficult to sleep last night under a single cotton sheet for most of the night but I’m not really complaining. We deserve some nice warm weather around here. I got the tomatoes planted today (yay!) and more things transplanted around. We picked up some nice green plastic planters for my coleus that I like to put on the upper deck. We got some house paint too so we can paint the siding. It’s a bit darker red than the old Navaho Red colour but we couldn’t get the same paint anymore. Now it’s Redwood instead. There’s also more of the violet-blue that I used for all my doors so now the garage doors can match the house. But we still need to get some slightly tinted transparent protector for the deck. Home maintenance is never-ending isn’t it? I’m so ready for T-Man to go back to work tomorrow just so I can have a holiday even if he can’t. He’s saving up the time and planning to use that day later in June for a family camping trip.
I’m up to the sleeves on Stargazer’s Sweater with the collar done already and buttons all sewn on. I found some really cute ones in the stash. They’ve only been marinating since Stargazer’s daddy was little! So they’re quite appropriate. I’ll show you later. Plus I’ve just woven into the second third of the Circus Blanket. Still working the pattern as established because I still have yarn including all the colours on bobbins. Can’t break out really wild until the end I think. Or at least until I’ve run out of a lot of the colours and I see what’s left. Nearly 6 yards left to weave. Yikes. I can only do about 20 - 30" per day. I will definitely weave more tomorrow.
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