Whew! That was a lot of fiddly knitting. For some reason the method I used (following the pattern) seemed awkward to me and the needles kept slipping out of the work. Even the bamboo needles were somewhat escapist! However it looks quite passable. I have just enough (I hope) of the ball left to finish the other leg’s ruffle. Then I will have 2 balls extra which I will take back to the store and possibly trade for something else. I’ve just about had it with knitting with cotton, organic or no. It’s not really been a pleasant experience for me especially trying to join or sew in the ends securely yet invisibly. I’m not at all sure they’re going to stay through washing and drying! We shall see.
So of course I haven’t accomplished anything else of note. A few more rows on the Hepburn Cardi last night while watching TV and a few more on the A-Maizing socks this morning while reading my email. Not terribly exciting, I’ll admit.
We have the carpet guy coming to install our new soft green carpet on our main stairs tomorrow morning. I’m looking forward to saying goodbye to the old ratty gold stuff that I’ve been looking at for nearly 30 years! I will take before and after photos just for memory’s sake.
Speaking of photos, I’ll leave you with a sweet pic taken by T-Man’s colleague Peter White, posted here with his permission. (No, not any of the Peter Whites you might have heard of! My, what a popular name.) There was a Canada goose couple who built a nest right outside a large window at T's workplace where everyone could watch the goings-on. These are the cute results!
And there’s a pond close by where they can learn to swim. Now you know that Spring is really here. Regardless of the odd weather we’ve been having.
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