Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I am totally out of it this morning. After teasing me off and on for the last few days, The Dizzies have returned in spades and I could barely stand up in the shower this morning. Hope they subside later today because I have things to do! I knew it was going to be bad though when, before even waking up all the way, I rolled over in bed and felt seasick. I stopped turning but the world didn’t. Oy. Not fun. And no use going to see my lovely doc because he doesn’t know what causes it either. Besides that would necessitate walking a kilometer on uneven streets (remember the Canada Line subway construction) and maybe not such a good idea under the circumstances. There’s nothing he can do but recommend Gravol for nausea and it’s not that bad. I’m pretty good at handling around-and-around motions. Must be why I loved hanging out on the roundabout at the playground when I was a kid! And we owned a sailboat for 15 years too. Lots of practice balancing while your world isn’t cooperating. Meanwhile I will try to knit and relax. And ignore all the stuff that needs doing.

Also we had another crisis with the refrigerator yesterday where the freezer was fine and it was running properly but the top fridge section wasn’t getting cold. We stuffed it full of ice packs like a giant cooler and T-Man did his magic with the hair dryer on the vents in the freezer. Luckily we have a big old chest freezer in the basement so we had lots of ice bottles and a place to put the freezer stuff. It seems that the vents get clogged with ice and then the cold air doesn’t circulate as it should. This is the 4th or 5th time it’s done this so methinks a repairman is in its future. I need to it clean out anyway and make sure there’s nothing icky hidden somewhere behind the bags and bags of peas from the garden. More work I can’t do right now. Sigh.

OK enough of the pity party for poor little Damselfly. Could be worse.

Meanwhile I’ve got several inches of the Purple Passion Socks done. I’m liking the little Double Lace Ribbing pattern from Charlene Schurch's More Sensational Knitted Socks book. It’s a simple 4-row rib and zigzag lace combo. A little narrower than my usual socks on 64 sts, these ones have only 60 sts but it’s a stretchy rib so it should fit fine. Photo coming soon when there’s enough to show.

1 comment:

magnusmog said...

Oooh, horrors, hope you feel better soon :)