Have you seen a crochet hook like this?

It has a hook on each end. I got one of these when I bought a friend’s old stash of regular Tunisian crochet hooks, the ones that look like a straight knitting needle with a crochet hook instead of a point. So of course I had to go online to find out how to use the thing. Very interesting. Apparently it goes by several names, some trademarked and some not: crochetnit, Crochet on the Double, cro-hook, crochet-knit. They also come in several variations including ones with the hooks going in the same direction (like mine), opposite to each other, even connected by a cable like a cable needle only with hooks, made of metal or plastic, and with or without end caps. I even saw some beautiful turned wooden ones here (scroll down) and here. There’s a dishcloth pattern here that will give you the basics with a practice piece that is useful. Another more complex one is here. (Kim has other free patterns available too.) And some different stitch patterns using the cro-hook are here. There are even some video instructions here. (Check out both the Crochenit and the Crochet on the Double sections in the right column.) There’s also this (click on the sample link showing how to do the basic st) and a nifty way to do very wide pieces such as bedspreads here both by the queen of this technique, Mary Middleton. She also has free patterns as well as a gazillion booklets. Whew! See what happens when I follow my curiosity?
Yeah, I know some of that stuff is pretty reminiscent of church bazaar stuff, but use some imagination and nice yarns. It has possibilities.
Off to Spectrum to play with Shiva Paintsticks. I have snap peas from the garden in Japanese ginger dressing with sesame seeds for my potluck dish. Later, Gator!
Just saw Twist Collective yesterday - and it is quite beautiful. In fact, I'd snap it up in a heartbeat were it an actual paper magazine. But, I guess the charging for individual patterns makes it more collective and less magazine. I'd absolutely buy a pattern if it was a must-knit-now sort of thing (I would have paid for Revontuli had it not been available free of charge), but most of my collection of random papers comes from odd print-offs that I eventually review and get around to knitting.
But, the good thing for the designers is that they have a one-stop shop that will attract many different people to a diverse collection of designs, which I imagine is much better for business than setting up patterns for sale on individual websites.
(Ahem. Hi. I'm Linnea. I babble.)
Hi Linnea! Glad my question winkled you out of your shell and inspired you to comment. ;)
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