Look at Frosty go! But since the snow was more than two feet deep it’s going to take awhile to disappear. And before that happens we may be in for some more snow. Rain/snow/rain/snow seems to be the forecast for the next while. Bleh. Cars are still constantly getting stuck on our street. You know it’s messy when even a tow truck is spinning around. I can almost see the asphalt in the ruts now though. First time in about 2 weeks. And my killer icicles are almost gone too. Good because we’re going to need to go on a grocery run soon and I wouldn’t want to be impaled just walking out my door.
So meanwhile, I’ve been knitting on The Ninja’s birthday socks. Beeeeeggg socks. I swear I could knit a whole sweater in a larger gauge using less stitches than these babies have in them. I obviously love the big lug. Plus I enjoy knitting plain socks. I’m flying down the feet now. Photo to come soon. As soon as I can find some light.
So meanwhile, while we’re snowed in, I’ve been spending a lot of time reading online:
Have you seen the December 2008 issue of The Crochet Insider? Don’t miss the fascinating interview with Nancy Nehring, particularly if you’re a textile history buff. Also some great thoughts on where crochet is going in future. Some great eye-candy on the Gallery page too.
Here’s a series of 3 articles on Workhorse Journals from a book artist’s point of view. (Links to succeeding parts on the top of the first page.)
A nice side effect of knitting and reading on my little laptop computer is that she keeps me warm and toasty! I’ve been foregoing her battery (took it out completely) and am running on the power cord. This cord stretching across the room to the nearest 3-prong outlet was a problem until T-Man got me a new power bar/surge protector to plug in behind the bed. Even my old Palm T/X has its recharger there. Now I’ve got everything plugged in neatly and all the cords bundled up and hung out of the way. Small things like this make me very happy. And once a week or so, I plug Bluet’s battery pack back in and run it down and recharge it again just to keep it happy too.
We’re all happy here. At least until the cabin fever sets in. Or we run out of food.
I'm there with you baby - haven't been out since I got stuck trying to get back on Tuesday!! I'm thinking I may have to shovel my drive again just so the rain will make it go away faster. No one in my alley got out again today although a couple tried, dug themselves out & parked again . . . . I really don't have to go anywhere till Monday anyhow.
And thanx for the link to Crochet Mag - I used to crochet a lot in the past.
I think I'm safe - T's stronger than me but he can't cook without using the barbecue. It's kind of inaccessible at the mo'. LOL!!
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