Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we have an FO! This is Marcy Tilton's shirt V8709:

Please excuse the crap lighting. It's been raining every time I try to take a picture and black pinstripes are problematic at the best of times. This is View A with the folded collar and more simple split cuff.

I've made this once before, View B as a vest in a linen blend and I love it. In this version the sleeves look shorter on the dummy but they're full length on Ms. Tyrannosaurus Rex Arms! On the other hand the body needs length so this time I added about 6". I left in all the wonky bits:

The extra odd pleat in the back and the asymmetrical front bands:

Don't know if you can see it but the buttons are also striped. You never know what you'll find in the stash.

I made a few more fitting changes (lowering the bust darts, narrowing the sleeves and shoulders) but I'm not sure it made any major improvement. For instance the shoulder darts I added refuse to lie flat. They press beautifully in this high quality Italian wool suiting but they don't stay! Life pops back into them the minute the fabric cools. Oh well. This lovely (and expensive) fabric is light weight and comfortable to wear in many different temperatures. I hope I can get lots of wear out of it.
In knitting news I've finished the Stripey Sweater! More on this one soon. The sleeves ended up full length but I had this much yarn left:

And there's some really exciting news! We are definitely going to the Sew Expo in Puyallup! Campsite reserved and everything. Who cares if it all costs half again as much this year thanks to the low Canadian dollar. Bleh. I'm not going to let that spoil a good time. As usual I won't be taking any seminars but I hope to catch the Tiltons' style show on Thursday, the one day I'll be attending. Then if the weather cooperates we'll be continuing on more of a camping trip, maybe to the Oregon coast for awhile. It all depends and our plans are flexible. I can stand a few days in our little Westie in the cold pouring rain if necessary. I have knitting and I have books! We even bought our old Fraulein a 27th birthday present, a new propane heater for when we don't have access to electricity. We are ready for anything now. Good. To. Go.
What a beautiful shirt!
Thanks so much for the compliment! Those Tilton patterns are a lot of work and the styles aren't for everyone but I'm obviously a fan. Heh.
Can't SEE a whole lot to comment on dammit!!! But, you have terrific fabric & a designer you love so what does it matter??? Enjoy your winter camping trip - if you don't USE it, you LOSE it. I love the Oregon coast's fresh seafood chowder that changes with every cafe.
Wish I could see that shirt better. Maybe you could lighten it a little? I have that pattern and tried it once. Not so hot for me. Maybe some length would help. The back looked so weird on mine, 'course I had a crazy loud print fabric...
Oh, that's so exciting about going to the fabric extravaganza. Does it cost to get in? Probably, what doesn't? But so much stuff, and so many like minded people! Just think of all the stuff you'll be able to bring back since you're camping and not flying!!!
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