So now we're back in production mode. But first I thought I'd check to see what I managed to accomplish in 2015:
Shawls & scarves = 3
Socks = 2
Sweaters = 7
Tunics = 2
Hats = 2
Mitts = 1
Hot water bottle cover = 1
Glasses sock = 1
Total = 19 (including 8 in handspun)
Scarves = 5
Tops = 9
Dresses = 2
Pants & leggings = 3
Pillow = 1
Total = 20
Guitar strap = 1
Grand total = 40
Still in progress
Knitting = 2
Sewing = at least 6!
And a lot more in the wings.
I'm too lazy to look to see if this is more or less than last year. Besides, who cares? It's not a contest, not even with myself. I'm just satisfied if they turn out useful. Speaking of which, I moved the buttons on my Alpaca Tweed Cardi (Larch Cardigan pattern by Amy Christoffers). They weren't sitting well so I moved them out to the edge of the collar:

Much better! I noticed quite a number of knitters on Ravelry have done the same. Though I liked the effect of the off-centred buttons it just didn't work comfortably for me. I've been wearing this one a lot because it's very warm and has long sleeves and a high shawl collar. It's pilling a bit under the arms but they pick off easily. Now I consider this project an unqualified success. I also tightened up the buttonholes on my Black Raspberry Amiga (original pattern by Mags Kandis). It's amazing to me how a simple repair can take something from vaguely annoying to perfect! Note to self - just DO it.
So what's coming up in damselfly's, studio? Lots of sewing. And I've nearly finished the red lace beret. Plus I hope to finally - after an entire year - weave off that Summer & Winter placemat warp that's been stuck since I hurt my hand. No excuses now. And it might be nice to put on a new warp. You never know. Stranger things have happened. Heh.
Off to do a heap of housework and then dig into the beret knitting. I am totally sick of this one stuck on my needles!
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