Saturday, July 02, 2016


We survived Manning Park! It was a near thing though. I look like I have chicken pox with all the bug bites. The noseeums were particularly bad and we were glad of our new window screens because they slipped right through the regular fly screens. Evil little &@$(!!  Can't complain about the weather though. It was perfection!
The Grandbeasties were mostly reasonably well behaved for us and had a great time together considering the differences in their ages:
Small, Medium and Large! They went fishing and caught quite a few rainbow trout in Lightning Lake. We got to eat most of it ourselves since they didn't want more than a bite. Yum!
That's Thom in the middle supervising. Plus we ran into some elderly friends of my daughter and son-in-law. Check out the crew in their canoe:
If you can't quite see them since I had to try to focus in while they were moving, those are large stuffed animals (plushies) sharing the bow, stern and centre seats! So funny.
So now we're home and somehow there's only 4 weeks left until we head out on the Transcontinental Trek. How did it get to be July so fast? Much to do before August including beating the garden into some kind of order, cleaning the house and packing all the stuff we need for two months on the road. We played around with a box on the bike rack (because we aren't bringing the bikes) and we can get our barbecue and propane tank on it as well. That will keep some of the clutter out of the minimal floor space. The box will hold a change of linens, warm sleeping bags (which we won't need until sometime in September) and the dirty laundry as it accumulates. There's only a couple of chances to do the laundry while we travel but we don't mind getting a little grubby. Part of the experience! Heh.
In crafty news unfortunately I didn't do much knitting while we were away. Too many distractions! But I have only one sleeve left on the Falklands Flare pullover to finish. I have to get spinning too because there's at least one more bobbin to fill and two skeins to ply before I can dye the Arcott/Romney yarn. It needs to be all wound into balls and ready to go with us so I'd best get to it.
Moving right along...  

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