Case in point, these two cupboards in my basement dye studio/laundry room:

Apart from the catfood and kitty litter on the bottom shelf of the one on the right, these cupboards are chock-a-block full of my dyes, chemicals, assists, botanical dyestuffs, fabric paints, paint/paste tools, and polymer clay tools. The shelves are tall necessitating stacking of small jars and bottles. Not good. Things have a tendency to fall over and I have to dig for the one I really want in the bottom at the back. So I bought a bunch of storage items yesterday: metal racks, stacking plastic baskets with handles, and a little 3-drawer box. I might (probably!) need more, but I'm starting with these just to see how they work out and which ones are the most useful. I'll post pictures of the results when I'm done.
Today is blessedly cooler than it has been for the last few weeks. It was almost 30º C. up here in the study/studio last evening. Even with the fan my eyeballs were melting. I know that doesn't sound all that hot to those who've already been sweltering through this summer back east and south, but for us on the Wet Coast it's pretty much as hot as it gets. I am not a hot house flower. That wee bit of rain we had last night wasn't enough to water things much however. Now it's sunny and really windy and they say it's going to heat back up again this week. Better take advantage of the coolness while I can. Back to the sewing machine!
By the way, I've been messing with my blog template again. I think the text is somewhat more readable now for those of us with older eyes. (Yes, luckily my eyes didn't actually melt away yesterday!) If anybody reads my blog, do let me know if anything looks wonky, eh?
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