The other day I promised to post the pictures of my handwoven fabric that I used to cover the biographical book I made for my weavers' guild's 70th birthday. This shows both sides which are quite different. The first one is the one I chose to be on the outside of the book. The structure is deflected double weave and since I used so many colours (orange, red, brown, purple, and green) it was a lot of shuttle-shifting to weave it. I left loops on the selvedges because I was planning to full it quite a bit and figured I could cut them off later. I still have about 4 yards left so I can make something to wear eventually. I've only had the fabric for about 5 years so far waiting to decide what it wants to be when it grows up!

And here's Thom's lovely fall socks in all their glory. Hmmm...I'm seeing a colour theme here. The yarn (Meilenweit Mega Boots Stretch) doesn't have a repeat that I could find so the socks are kissing cousins and not twins. Luckily he doesn't mind. If I make him another pair of socks in future (assuming he actually wears these) I'd make the leg at least an inch longer. Silly me made them the usual length that I make mine forgetting that his legs are somewhat longer and he would like them to come up higher.
Lastly, I'll show off my tiny stash from Saturday's Fraser Valley Bead Show. It was so much fun, especially for Thom who found all his kindred beadmakers there! He spent more than I did for once too. The top two are wired drops made with paper beads by Carolyn Dawn Good. They each came with a fortune paper like a fortune cookie! The lovely roses are by Tamara Garland. They're only 3/4" long and quite lovely. And lastly, I keep trying to remember to wear a watch. Ever since my beaded one died I haven't clicked on a watch that I liked. This watch face is a lovely metallic purple with silver and I got it from my good buddy Ania of Turtle Beads. Now to finish it with some kind of bracelet so I can wear it. It will have to have orange and black as well as purple and silver in it I think.
On the kitchen front, it's getting back together slowly. I have about half the cupboard doors now though they need a bit of touch-up with the paint and their handles on. We priced the granite counter that Thom has his heart set on for the gap between the old counter and the stove, but it's really hard to justify the cost. We'll have to go back to the store when we're not so tired and re-assess. Got the oak legs for it though plus the quarter-round for the edges of the floor. One little baby step at a time. At least I can cook again and I have a fridge!
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