But I haven’t gotten any actual cleaning done yet. I need to vacuum and I’m starting really loathe vacuuming these days for some reason. I have to find a good personal bribe that will get me to do it. Something really enjoyable and relaxing. Haven’t thought of anything suitably decadent enough yet. So I’m blogging instead.

So I got a few new plants the other day. These ones are for the deck by the water garden to keep them away from slugs etc. Recognise the primulas from the front door basket? I've got pansies in there now but I might swap later to some of these coleus. I just love them and all their different colours and patterns. I want to have at least one of each! Check out the one with the huge leaves called “Kong: Mosaic”. I’m calling it King Kong for obvious reasons. This is still a baby! Can’t wait to see how big the leaves can get. My favourites are the ones with orange or rust leaves with chartreuse or black (really dark brown or purple) a close second. I also like different patterning like veining or margins. Did you know there are probably well over a thousand different coleus varieties?

Then there’s this new rhododendron called Jingle Bells. T-Man fell for this one. He wants to put it out front where he’s been removing more of our evil old hawthorn hedge. Notice the family preference for slightly odd colours? I think he’s catching it from me. He also got a spirea with beautiful bronzy new leaves that turn chartreuse as they age. He paid big bucks for it because he’s wanted one for years. It goes out front too. We haven’t actually done much with the front garden yet to finish it up and I’ve still got lots of annuals waiting to get transplanted. We're slowly working on it. I did manage to get about half the peppers into the greenhouse yesterday, but then forgot to close one of the vents. It was chilly last night! Poor things.
No interesting craft news except that I painted my little lunch…er, knitting box with “hammered” copper spray paint. I’m going to decoupage the top and bottom with some of my paste paper as soon as I have a chance. I even got some real Mod Podge in anticipation. I haven’t done decoupage in decades! Meanwhile the paint is hardening.
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