Stargazer’s Christmas Stocking

Made: December 21, 2007
Fabric: dark red and teal green upholstery velvet bolt end scraps, purchased for really cheap at Dressew.
Notions: 7 silver-coloured jingle bells, white merino wool, felting needle, 3” piece of white grosgrain ribbon, matching red & green thread.
Pattern: Hand-drawn stocking with elf toe. Cuff made in 4 pieces (front, back, under-front & under-back).
Comments: Fabric was very heavy, hard to cut and press, and it left little bits of velvet fuzz on everything! I used a size 100 needle in the sewing machine and had no trouble going through the layers. I didn’t even try to use the serger on such thick and heavy stuff and instead used the sewing machine to overcast the raw edges. I worked the needle-felted name on the front cuff piece before stitching it together. I like the fuzzy letters and it holds up better than I would have thought. I used the grosgrain ribbon for a hanging loop and stitched it in when sewing on the cuff. I sewed the bells on each point by hand. The stocking came out very heavy but I think it looks fine and will last pretty much forever — or at least until a better one comes along!
Of course you can’t see the name that I needlefelted into the front, but trust me it looks soft and fuzzy and cute. The big request from Daddy Ninja was the bells. Hope these are enough jingle for him. I now need a really good massage for my tired shoulders from arm-wrestling this project to completion. Now I know why I put it off until the very last minute. It was hard work!
I know everybody will be participating in varying degrees of insanity in the next few days but I will continue posting as often as possible. Since I’m not hosting anything here in Damselfly’s Pond, I should have lots of time on my hands — unless T-Man (who’s home for 6 days straight, works one day and then gets a couple more days off) can find things to keep me busy. He already pulled the bed completely apart to flip the mattress and vacuum, prompting me to do 4 loads of laundry so I can change the bed. Which of course meant that I had to vacuum all the kitty litter off the basement floor around the laundry and while I was at it, vacuum most of the rest of the basement. Then he vacuumed the rest of the main floor, prompting me to dust and damp mop the floors. Then we went out and picked up a turkey, even though we’re not cooking for family, because they were on sale. Whew!!! I like him being home with me but sometimes I need him to go to work so I can have a rest. Heh!
I hope everyone has the best time with family and friends over the holidays. May your life be full of all the peace and joy and happiness you can stand! Thanks especially for the lovely comments and wishes from my readers. It’s so nice to know you’re out there and I’m not just mumbling into my hat.
1 comment:
I like your stocking. It turned out very well. Merry Christmas!
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