Monday, May 19, 2008

I Wasn't Complaining

But now I am! After the lovely hot and mostly sunny last few days, the weather did a complete about face again and it’s raining. I wouldn’t mind so much since I now can get a rest from the gardening and everything needed watering anyway, but such an abrupt change in barometric pressure gives me a migraine. Bleh. Still not too cold though which makes it easier to take and it’s supposed to clear up and be warmer again by Thursday. However I really wish the weather would go merrily riding on its rollercoaster without taking my poor head along for the ride.

So I’ve decided which tawashi (scrubbie) to make first with my new Japanese acrylic craft yarn. This one is crocheted and it’s called “Ringu tsunagi no tawashi” or Linked-Ring Tawashi. Free pattern here. (Click on the PDF link to the right beside the symbol below the button that looks like a page.) You don’t need to read Japanese if you are able to decipher the crochet symbols. A chart with accompanying videos is here. The hook used is Japanese size 7.0 or 4mm. It shouldn’t take up too much of my yarn since tawashi are generally quite small. Then I’ll have a chance to try a different one. There are lots of patterns, both knitted and crocheted, free online. I even found a Ravelry group dedicated to tawashi called Tawashi Town.

I’m partway down the first sleeve on the Stargazer Sweater. It’s easy knitting as long as I can keep count of the decreases so it should go quickly. This will be a very short post because I want to get some weaving done today. But my head still hurts and I need more Advil first.


Anonymous said...

Hello. I came across your site a while back; a google search brought it up when I was loom-gazing. I kept reading because I enjoy your writing and your pictures. Now I've started my own weaving blog, I thought I'd introduce myself. Love your blanket colors!

Louisa said...

Welcome, Trapunto! I'm glad SOMEBODY loves my blanket. LOL! All I can say is wait until it's done. I hope I've got the guts to show it off in its, glory.