Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Today I have a return of the Dizzies for whatever reason. I’m laying low and taking advantage of the situation. OK, I already washed my two handwoven blankets and got them hung out to dry on an improvised clothesline. This is their Once A Year Wash! This is the only time of the year when they(especially the Circus Blanket) will dry within a reasonable amount of time. I’m a bit disappointed in the fact that it shrank a bit and the edges are wavy. Hopefully when T-Man gets home from work he can help me pull it out a bit better. It’s too big for me to handle alone! It weighs 8 pounds when dry and right now it’s even heavier than that with the water in it still. The Marigolds & Feverfew Blanket is much lighter (mostly plain weave instead of twill) and has been washed many times so it’s fine. Unfortunately the heavy Circus Blanket doesn’t agitate very well so likely I shouldn’t have tried to stuff them both in the washing machine at the same time. But I was impatient and my washer has a huge capacity. I’ll try to remember for next year.

Meanwhile, I started a new pair of socks (yes, I haven’t completed the last pair yet) for Milord Son-In-Law. His birthday is on Saturday so I probably won’t be done in time but I don’t think he minds. I’m using Lana Grossa Meilenweit Tweed for the first time. I like all this company’s other sock yarns so far and they wear well. This one is black with flecks of beige and tan. Very manly!

Yes, I will get back to my other projects. Eventually. Right now I need a mindless knit because a new 5-part Torchwood is on Space Channel every night this week! And then a Doctor Who special on Saturday, plus Tin Man is finally going to be aired beginning Aug 1. A super-overdose of sci-fi TV goodness! Glad we didn’t cancel cable TV now. It did cross our minds when we weren’t watching it at all there for a while.

And that’s not all! I also have the 5th book of Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series to read. If you haven’t discovered this one yet it’s kind of Master & Commander meets Sharpe meets Ann McCaffrey: the British fighting the Napoleonic war with intelligent dragons. Super-well-written too so don’t immediately pooh-pooh the idea. Apparently Peter Jackson wants to direct the movie version and I’m sure video games aren’t far behind. I like books best though. So much more detail and you can get into people’s (or dragon’s) thoughts.

In other news, I got a call from the optical shop and they broke my old sunglasses frames when trying to put in the new lenses! I get new frames free so it’s not a bad thing. Hope they are now done with both pairs of my new glasses because I need them asap. Especially the sunglasses. It’s going to get very hot around here by Sunday. What a summer so far! Almost makes up for the totally horrible winter we had.

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