Over the wool are lengths of fabrics and some tinsel-type yarn for a bit of sparkle. Her face and hands are translucent polymer clay and hand-sculpted by me, then details were painted with acrylics. Her arms are rolls of fabric stitched on. Her hair is fuzzy novelty yarn and there's actually a tiara of transparent black leaves on her head (though you can barely see it in the photo). She has a necklace that includes a swirly bead made by T-Man. She's about 11" tall which is the largest I've made to date.
You wouldn't believe the trouble she gave me, starting with me causing smoke to come from my craft microwave when I "cooked" the stick a bit too much thinking to kill anything nasty. It smelled nice, like incense! LOL!! Then I broke her leg when I was trying to hold her steady to get her tiara on. Oops. It's a bit wiggly but not likely to come off. I'm glad she's done. Don't know about you, but I think she's kind of cute!
So I’m another year older. Am I a Crone yet? I think so! The hair's going greyer, the wrinkles are deeper, the flesh is saggier, the bones are creakier, and the energy level ain't quite what it used to be. Otherwise, I feel just like I did when I was 20! Age is only a number anyway.
We aren’t going out for dinner tonight but The Man ordered pizza. That’s his way of cooking dinner for me and I’m not about to turn it down! Then my friend is picking me up to go to a fibre arts guild meeting this evening. I’ll be taking Ofrenda and wearing my Little Squares sweater. We can go out to dinner tomorrow night when it’s not so rushed. I like taking my time if it’s a nice restaurant.
Happy Birthday Damselfly!!
They sure seem to come faster and faster don't they? :)
Your doll looks great and something that Tim Burton would appreciate.
Hugs, Susan on the wet Sunshine Coast where it didn't snow....unlike my old address I just moved from, where it did. Good move!
Happy Birthday,
I like your idea of wrapping in names of your departed dear ones. I have never tried to do a doll like this. I wish I'd gone to the meeting to see her. No one would of appreciated my cold germs.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Susan! And I'm sorry you missed the meeting, Rosemary. No, we didn't want your germs. Get better soon!
Happy Birthday, Louisa! Your birthday doll is wonderful. I made a similiar doll when my dad passed away. They're truly special.
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